Introduction Into gRPC in Go
Marek Semjan
gRPCProtocol BuffersGolangGoData Serialization
1719 Words • 7 Minutes, 48 Seconds
2023-11-15 17:35 +0000
gRPC is a modern, cross-platform Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework created by Google and released in 2016. It is considered to be an alternative to REST APIs, and can be used to connect various services. REST uses JSON, which is a plain-text format, while gRPC uses a protocol buffers. Protocol buffers are a binary format, which was designed to result in smaller serialized messages, which are simple to use and faster to encode and decode. This leads to a noticeable speedup when compared to REST and JSON.
Despite all the advantages, you should not immediately start rewriting all your REST services. Let’s look at various advantages and disadvantages of gRPC.
Advantages and disadvantages
The main benefit that gRPC promises is its speed. Because of a binary format is uses, it should be much faster to encode and decode messages. Moreover, the data that is sent over the network should be smaller, because protocol buffers are more efficient way of encoding data than JSON.
Unlike REST, which uses HTTP 1.1, gRPC is using HTTP/2, which allows for various new features, such as server-side streaming, client-side streaming, or bi-directional streaming.
The biggest disadvantage of gRPC is that it is not supported by any of the modern browsers (all are using HTTP 1.1, no HTTP/2), and therefor it is either necessary to use something like gRPC-web that lets you access gRPC services built from browsers using an idiomatic API.
Other disadvantage is that protocol buffers are not human-readable and therefore it is more difficult to work with them. While a simple REST service can easily be tested with a simple request using curl
or Postman, you will need an extra step transcode requests.
That being said, it is still an excellent choice for facilitating communication between various back-end services or when creating mobile apps.
A simple example in Go
In this example, I’ll create a simple gRPC server and a client in Go. The gRPC server will expose two endpoints to send new notifications and fetch the list of notifications.
Let’s start by creating a new directory for our project, and then running go mod init
to create go.mod
and go.sum
Before writing gRPC clients and servers, you need to have protocol buffer and gRPC code generator installed.
$ go install
$ go install
Also, don’t forget to update your PATH
so that your protoc
compiler is able to find and use the plugins:
$ export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"
Protocol buffers
As mentioned above, gRPC uses protocol buffers. Before we start writing our Go server, we need to create a file that defines messages and available services. Let’s create a folder pb
and put in it a message.proto
file with the following content:
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "./types";
// Type for notifications
message Notification {
string title = 1;
string body = 2;
string from = 3;
string for = 4;
// A list of notifications
message Notifications {
repeated Notification notifications = 1;
// A return type for sending notifications, the status should be non-zero,
// if there is some issue
message ServerResponse {
int32 status = 1;
// An empty type
message Empty {}
// Define functions that a client can use
service NotificationService {
rpc SendNotification(Notification) returns (ServerResponse) {};
rpc GetNotifications(Empty) returns (Notifications) {};
The first line tells us that we are using version 3 of protocol buffers syntax. The second line specifies Go package. I haven’t seen it in some examples online, but without it the compiler generates an error and no Go code, so it is necessary. The message Something {}
specifies what the messages look like, that is what fields we can expect and what are their types. The value after the equal sign specifies a unique field number and it specifies a field in the message wire format. In the Notifications
message you can a repeated
keyword, which specifies that notifications
is an array with values of type Notification
The messages are similar to Go’s struct
s. You can learn more about the syntax of protocol buffers in the protocol buffers documentation, including supported types, enumerations, nested types, and other details.
Lastly, we define a service
that has two remote procedure calls (RPC) - SendNofication
and GetNotifications
. You can think of these as REST endpoints. As you can see, the definition of these functions includes types of arguments and the return type. Unfortunately, all functions require an argument, and there is no void
type for functions that have no arguments, so I had to create an Empty
message with no fields to represent void
We will use SendNofication
and GetNotifications
to create new notifications and fetch the excising ones, respectively.
Now, we need to create a types
folder for the generated Go code.
Once you’ve created the pb/message.pb
file and created a types
folder, you can generate Go code using this command:
$ protoc --go_out=types --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \
If it was successful, you should see two new files in types
folder: message_grpc.pb.go
and message.pb.go
. If you want to, you can check the generated code. It contains struct
s that represent our protocol buffers messages and various functions necessary for marshaling an unmarshaling messages.
Now we are ready to create a gRPC server. Create a server.go
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a TPC connection and listen on port 9000
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":9000")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to listen: %v", err)
// Create a gRPC server
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
// Create a server that defines the SendNotification and GetNotifications
// functions
notificationServer := types.MyGRPCServer{}
// Register our service
types.RegisterNotificationServiceServer(grpcServer, ¬ificationServer)
// Start a server
if err := grpcServer.Serve(lis); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %s", err)
We also need to define MyGRPCServer
. We will create a types/service.go
file, and write the following code:
package types
import (
// Create our server
type MyGRPCServer struct {
// Without this, we will be getting an error
// Create fake notifications, this can also be empty. In real-world example,
// this data would come from a database
var notifications = &Notifications{
Notifications: []*Notification{
Title: "New message from 'Jerry'",
Body: "Hi, how are you doing?",
From: "Messenger",
For: "User",
Title: "Low batter",
Body: "Plug in charger as soon as possible",
From: "System",
For: "User",
Title: "Alarm",
Body: "Wake up!",
From: "Alarm",
For: "User",
func (s *MyGRPCServer) SendNotification(
ctx context.Context,
notification *Notification,
) (*ServerResponse, error) {
// When the client sends a new notification, we log it, append it to the list
// of notifications, and send a status with code 0 for success. Since there
// probably shouldn't be any issue, we are not handling any errors. In
// real-world example, you probably would want to replace this with a database
// insert.
log.Printf("New notification: %s", notification.String())
notifications.Notifications = append(notifications.Notifications, notification)
return &ServerResponse{Status: 0}, nil
func (s *MyGRPCServer) GetNotifications(
ctx context.Context,
_ *Empty,
) (*Notifications, error) {
// If the user requests notifications, we log that there is a request, and
// then send all the notifications. Again, in a real-world there would be some
// kind of database search here instead of a slice.
log.Println("User is requesting notifications")
return notifications, nil
These two files are enough to create a working gRPC server that allows you to send new notifications and fetch all the notifications. You can test that the code works with go run server.go
To test that our server works correctly, we can create a simple client in client.go
package main
import (
ctx "context"
func main() {
// Create a gRPC connection for our client
var conn *grpc.ClientConn
// Create a connection to our server on the port 9000
conn, err := grpc.Dial(":9000", grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error while connecting to the server: %s\n", err)
defer conn.Close()
// Create a gRPC client
client := types.NewNotificationServiceClient(conn)
// Use SendNotification remote procedure call. This should send a new
// notification to our server, and add it to the list of existing notifications.
_, err = client.SendNotification(
Title: "Client notification",
Body: "Hello from the client",
From: "Client",
For: "User"},
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error when calling SendNotification: %s\n", err)
// At this point, the notifications were sent and there was no error.
log.Println("Notification successfully sent\n")
// Use GetNotification remote procedure call. This should return all the
// notifications from our server.
notifications, err := client.GetNotifications( ctx.Background(),
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error when calling GetNotifications: %s\n", err)
// If there is no error and we receive notifications, we print them out.
log.Printf("Notifications received:")
for _, notification := range notifications.Notifications {
log.Printf("Title: '%s', Body: '%s', From: '%s', For: '%s'\n",
notification.Title, notification.Body, notification.From, notification.For)
Now we are ready to test our application. Start server with go run server
and then you can run the client with go run client.go
. It will quickly send a new notification, fetch all the notifications, and print them out and, then it will exit. In the output you should see something along lines:
$ go run client.go
2023/11/19 16:46:37 Notification successfully sent
2023/11/19 16:46:37 Notifications received:
2023/11/19 16:46:37 Title: 'New message from 'Jerry'', Body: 'Hi, how are you
doing?', From: 'Messenger', For: 'User'
2023/11/19 16:46:37 Title: 'Low batter', Body: 'Plug in charger as soon as
possible', From: 'System', For: 'User'
2023/11/19 16:46:37 Title: 'Alarm', Body: 'Wake up!', From: 'Alarm', For:
2023/11/19 16:46:37 Title: 'Client notification', Body: 'Hello from the
client', From: 'Client', For: 'User'
gRPC is a faster and more efficient alternative to REST APIs that uses protocol buffers as an encoding format. It allows programmers to specify remote procedure calls (RPC) and specific format of the data that these RPC endpoints use. gRPC supports several popular languages, which means that you can have various services written in different programming languages communicate using this technology. It is mostly used on the back-end to send information between various microservices.
In this post I’ve discussed advantages and disadvantages of gRPC and provided an example of a simple gRPC server and a client. You can find the full example on my Github.